Mars Collection of Educational Resources: Support for Educators
To support educators in using the new Europlanet Mars Collection of teaching resource packs, we are releasing a series of short videos that introduce the collection as a whole and the individual resources.
The video provides support for educators using the Europlanet Mars Collection of Educational Resources. The first resource pack (1. Extremophiles) gives an introduction to life found in extreme environments, exploring the kind of stresses we may find on Mars and how life can adapt to survive these.
References: ‘The Gateway Science: a Review of Astronomy in the OECD School Curricula, Including China and South Africa.’ Saeed Salimpour et al, Research in Science Education, 2020.
1. Extremophiles
Go to the teaching resource pack on Extremophiles.
2. A Brief History of Mars
Go to the teaching resource pack on A Brief History of Mars.
3. Volcanoes on Mars
Go to the teaching resource pack on Volcanoes on Mars.
4. Martian Chemistry
Go to the teaching resource pack on Martian Chemistry.
5. Brines on Mars
Go to the teaching resource pack on Brines on Mars.
6. Evaporation and States of Matter
Go to the teaching resource pack on Evaporation and States of Matter.
7. The pH of Mars
Go to the teaching resource pack on the pH of Mars.
Back to the Mars Collection main page.