Communication soft skills – EPEC Annual Week / ERIM 2023 Outreach

Communication soft skills – EPEC Annual Week / ERIM 2023 Outreach


  • Provide junior scientists with a collection of tips, tricks and useful skills/training for outreach/communication.

Draft outline:

  • 30 min: Elevator pitch exercise. Each participant (A) gives to a pair (B) an elevator pitch (concept introduced beforehand by the moderator) in less than 3 minutes about their research subject. Participants then explain in 1 min to others (in groups of 4-8) what their pair works on so that A can identify which information was picked up by B, and help identify what should be better explained, etc. Break-out rooms will be created for online participants.
  • 15 min: Giving better presentations. 2 speakers will give tips and tricks (dos and don’ts) on giving better talks.
  • 15 min: How to speak to the public and/or to a young audience. Tips and tricks on how to effectively communicate with the public. .
  • 15 min: Interactions with the media. Answering 2 key questions: How does making a press release work? (what are the steps, what is important to remember as a scientist involved in the study/discovery, etc.). How do you talk with journalists for an interview?
  • 15 min: How to and why develop an online presence. Social media, blog posts, videos, personal websites, etc. Tips and tricks, free solutions for websites, online tools.

Hybrid format: The workshop will be livestreamed. A moderator will make sure to amplify the questions and comments typed in by the online attending audience.
Target audience: Early career researchers, early career science communicators
Duration: 1h 30
Working Group: Thibaut Roger, TBC

For more details, go to the ERIM programme and look out for sessions tagged in orange.

Find out about the other ERIM 2023 programme tracks: