4. La chimie martienne

4. La chimie martienne

Dans cette leçon, nous allons étudier la chimie de Mars et la manière dont elle peut affecter son habitabilité potentielle.


Plan de l’activité : Comprendre comment la chimie du sol martien peut affecter l’habitabilité de la planète rouge. Cela implique d’examiner de plus près comment la température et la salinité peuvent affecter la chimie de Mars.

Tranche d’âge :

10-14 ans

Equipement nécessaire :

  • Ordinateur
  • Projecteur

Durée de la leçon :

45 Minutes (2 vidéos incluse)

Sujets couverts :

  • Chimie (solubilité, saturation, structures des composés)
  • Biologie (vie en conditions extrêmes)
  • Astronomie (conditions à la surface de Mars)


Après avoir terminé cette activité, les élèves 

  • Comprendront l’effet de la température sur la chimie de Mars.
  • Seront capables d’expliquer comment la salinité affecte la température de fusion.
  • Examineront comment tous les éléments ci-dessus affectent l’habitabilité.

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Guide de l’enseignant (vidéo)

3. Les volcans de Mars

3. Les volcans de Mars

Dans cette leçon, nous allons nous intéresser aux volcans de Mars et découvrir comment ils ont pu permettre à la planète rouge d’être habitable au cours de son histoire.


Plan de l’activité : Découvrez comment se forment les volcans, sur Terre et sur Mars, et comment ils ont pu être liés à l’habitabilité de Mars par le passé.

Tranche d’âge :

10-14 ans

Durée de la leçon :

  • Ordinateur
  • Projecteur

Durée de la leçon :

45 Minutes (s vidéos incluse)

Sujets couverts :

  • Géologie
  • Biologie (vie en conditions extrêmes)
  • Astronomie (conditions à la surface de Mars)


A la fin de cette activité, les élèves 

  • Comprendront comment les volcans se forment.
  • Seront capables d’expliquer ce qu’est la convection et pourquoi on retrouve ce phénomène à l’intérieur des volcans.
  • Définiront, rationnellement, la probabilité que les zones volcaniques martiennes soient habitables.

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Guide de l’enseignant (vidéo)

2. Une brève histoire de Mars

2. Une brève histoire de Mars

Dans cette leçon, nous allons découvrir l’histoire de Mars afin de comprendre si la planète rouge a un jour été suffisamment accueillante pour abriter la vie, telle que nous la connaissons sur Terre


Plan de l’activité : Enquêtez sur l’évolution de Mars au cours de son histoire et découvrez comment cela a pu affecter l’habitabilité de la planète rouge.

Tranche d’âge :

10-14 ans

Equipement nécessaire :

  • Ordinateur
  • Projecteur

Durée de la leçon :

45 Minutes (1 vidéo incluse)

Sujets couverts :

  • Chimie
  • Temps géologiques
  • Biologie (vie en conditions extrêmes)
  • Astronomie (conditions à la surface de Mars)


A la fin de cette activité, les élèves :

  • Comprendront comment Mars a changé au cours du temps.
  • Discuteront de ce que cela implique pour l’habitabilité de cette planète au cours de son histoire.
  • Elaboreront une conclusion quant à l’ère martienne qui aurait été la plus propice à abriter la vie.

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Guide de l’enseignant (vidéo)

1. Les Extrêmophiles & Les Environnements Extrêmes

1. Les Extrêmophiles & Les Environnements Extrêmes

Une introduction à la vie dans les environnements extrêmes, explorant le type de stress que nous pourrions trouver sur Mars et comment la vie peut s’adapter pour y survivre.


Tranche d’âge :

10-14 ans

Equipement nécessaire :

  • Ordinateur
  • Projecteur

Durée de la leçon :

45 Minutes (2 vidéos incluses)

Sujets couverts :

  • Biologie (vie en conditions extrêmes)
  • Astronomie (conditions à la surface de Mars)

Acquis :

Après avoir réalisé cette activité, les élèves :

  • Comprendront que les cellules peuvent changer pour s’adapter à des environnements extrêmes.
  • Seront capables d’expliquer la fonction d’une membrane cellulaire.
  • Evalueront comment les contraintes des conditions martiennes pourraient affecter son habitabilité.

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Guide de l’enseignant (vidéo)

1. Extremófilos & Ambientes Extremos

1. Extremófilos & Ambientes Extremos

Uma introdução à vida encontrada em ambientes extremos, explorando os tipos de dificuldades que podemos encontrar em Marte, e como a vida pode se adaptar a elas.

Visão Geral

Faixa Etária:


Equipamento Necessário:

  • Computador
  • Projector

Tempo da Atividade

45 Minutos (incluindo 2 vídeos)

Tópicos Abordados:

  • Biologia (Vida extrema)
  • Astronomia (Condições superficiais de Marte)

Resultados de Aprendizagem:

Após completar esta atividade, os estudantes irão:

  • Entender que  as células podem mudar para adaptar-se a ambientes extremos.
  • Explicar a função da membrana celular.
  • Avaliar como as dificuldades em Marte podem afetar a sua habitabilidade.

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Vídeo curto de apresentadção da lição

Mars Collection of Educational Resources: 7. pH of Mars

Mars Collection of Educational Resources: 7. pH of Mars

In this lesson, we will be looking at the pH of certain environments of Mars and how this can affect its potential habitability.


Activity Outline: Understand how the pH of the Mars may affect the habitability of the Red Planet. 

Age Range:


Equipment Needed:

  • Computer
  • Projector

Lesson Time:

45 Minutes (including 1 video)

Topics Covered:

  • Chemistry (pH)
  • Biology (life in extremes)
  • Astronomy (Mars surface conditions)

Learning Outcomes

After completing this activity, pupils will:

  • Understand pH scales
  • Describe how factors on Mars can affect pH
  • Discuss how pH affects habitability.

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PDF (272 KB)

Video experiments

Teacher Continuing Professional Development (CPD)

Italian versions of the resources with video lessons produced by EDU INAF are now available at: Terra chiama Marte.  

Mars Collection of Educational Resources: 6. Evaporation and States of Matter

Mars Collection of Educational Resources: 6. Evaporation and States of Matter

In this lesson, we will be looking at the development of salt beds and the potential for their habitability.


Activity Outline: Understand the formation of salt pans via the mechanism of evaporation. 

Age Range:


Equipment Needed:

  • Computer
  • Projector

Lesson Time:

45 Minutes (including 1 video)

Topics Covered:

  • Chemistry
  • Biology (life in extremes)
  • Astronomy (Mars surface conditions)

Learning Outcomes

After completing this activity, pupils will:

  • Critically examine evaporation
  • Understand states of matter
  • Describe how salinity and desiccation affect the habitability of an environment.

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PDF (266 KB)

Video experiments

Teacher Continuing Professional Development (CPD)

Italian versions of the resources with video lessons produced by EDU INAF are now available at: Terra chiama Marte.  

Mars Collection of Educational Resources: 5. Brines on Mars

Mars Collection of Educational Resources: 5. Brines on Mars

In this lesson, we will be be delving into how saturated brine solutions affect the habitability of Mars.


Activity Outline: Understand super-saturated salt solutions and how they can affect the habitability of another planetary body.

Age Range:


Equipment Needed:

  • Computer
  • Projector

Lesson Time:

45 Minutes (including 1 video)

Topics Covered:

  • Geology
  • Chemistry
  • Biology (life in extremes)
  • Astronomy (Mars surface conditions)

Learning Outcomes

After completing this activity, pupils will:

  • Understand how crystallisation works.
  • Be able to explain how we get saturated and super-saturated solutions.
  • Be able to reason how saturated salt solutions affect habitability.

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Video experiments

Teacher Continuing Professional Development (CPD)

Italian versions of the resources with video lessons produced by EDU INAF are now available at: Terra chiama Marte.  

Mars Collection of Educational Resources: 4. Martian Chemistry

Mars Collection of Educational Resources: 4. Martian Chemistry

In this lesson, we will be looking at the chemistry of Mars and how this can affect its potential habitability


Activity Outline: Understand how the chemistry of the Martian soil may affect the habitability of the Red Planet. This involves taking a closer look at how temperature and salinity can affect the chemistry of Mars.

Age Range:


Equipment Needed:

  • Computer
  • Projector

Lesson Time:

45 Minutes (including 2 videos)

Topics Covered:

  • Chemistry (Solubility, Saturation, Compound Structures)
  • Biology (Life in extremes)
  • Astronomy (Mars surface conditions)

Learning Outcomes

After completing this activity, pupils will:

  • Understand what effect temperature has on the chemistry of Mars.
  • Be able to explain how salinity affects freezing points.
  • Review how all of the above affects habitability.

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PDF (254 KB)

Video experiments

Teacher Continuing Professional Development (CPD)

Italian versions of the resources with video lessons produced by EDU INAF are now available at: Terra chiama Marte.  

Mars Collection of Educational Resources: 3. Volcanoes Mars

Europlanet Mars Collection: 3. Volcanoes on Mars

In this lesson, we will be looking at the volcanoes of Mars and how they may have contributed to the habitability of the Red Planet over its history.


Activity Outline: Understand how volcanoes form, both on Earth and Mars, and how they may have affected Mars’s habitability in the past.

Age Range:


Equipment Needed:

  • Computer
  • Projector

Lesson Time:

45 Minutes (including 2 videos)

Topics Covered:

  • Geology
  • Biology (Life in extremes)
  • Astronomy (Mars surface conditions)

Learning Outcomes

After completing this activity, pupils will:

  • Understand how volcanoes form.
  • Be able to explain what convection is and why we would find it inside a volcano.
  • Determine, with reasoning, the likelihood of volcanic areas being habitable.

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PDF (248 KB)

Video experiments

Teacher Continuing Professional Development (CPD)

Italian versions of the resources with video lessons produced by EDU INAF are now available at: Terra chiama Marte.  

Mars Collection of Educational Resources: 2. A Brief History of Mars

Europlanet Mars Collection: 2. A Brief History of Mars

For this lesson, we will be looking through the history of Mars to find out if it may have ever been a suitable home for life, as we know it here on Earth. 


Activity Outline: Investigate how Mars has changed over its history and how that might affect the habitability of the Red Planet.

Age Range:


Equipment Needed:

  • Computer
  • Projector

Lesson Time:

45 Minutes (including 1 videos)

Topics Covered:

  • Chemistry
  • Geological time
  • Biology (Life in extremes)
  • Astronomy (Mars surface conditions)

Learning Outcomes

After completing this activity, pupils will:

  • Understand how Mars has changed over time.
  • Hypothesise how this has affected its habitability.
  • Draw a conclusion as to which era of Mars’ history was most likely to be able to support life.

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Video experiments

Teacher Continuing Professional Development (CPD)

Italian versions of the resources with video lessons produced by EDU INAF are now available at: Terra chiama Marte.  

Introducing the Mars Collection of Educational Resources: 1. Extremophiles

Europlanet Educational Resources – The Mars Collection

Europlanet 2024 RI has produced a set of school resources exploring the possibilities of life on the Red Planet. The resources have been produced to be easily translatable in order to facilitate ease of dissemination across Europe and beyond.  The resources link areas of the curriculum with research into past and present conditions on Mars and how we can study these conditions via analogue sites here on Earth.  The project covers a range of topics, from geoscience and volcanoes, to pH and even mineral deposition viewed through an astrobiological lens.

1. Extremophiles

The first set of resources in the Mars Collection gives an introduction to life found in extreme environments, exploring the kind of stresses we may find on Mars and how life can adapt to survive these. 


Age Range:


Equipment Needed:

  • Computer
  • Projector

Lesson Time:

45 Minutes (including 2 videos)

Topics Covered:

  • Biology (Life in extremes)
  • Astronomy (Mars surface conditions)

Learning Outcomes

After completing this activity, pupils will:

  • Understand that cells can change to adapt to extreme environments.
  • Be able to explain the function of a cell membrane.
  • Assess how stresses on Mars might affect its habitability.

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PDF (246 KB)

Video experiments

Teacher Continuing Professional Development (CPD)

Italian versions of the resources with video lessons produced by EDU INAF are now available at: Terra chiama Marte.